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"Type 1"


Personally this is a very important topic to me, as I have type 1 diabetes and have had so for 17 years so I know first hand how hard the Transition process can be.
The aim for this project is not about enhancing the young persons diabetes, but making the transition process slightly easier for the them , as this is a vulnerable time. This means focusing on the actual young people with the diabetes and working alongside them to generate an effective solution. Creating a more effective solution that will help young diabetics, will be beneficial and with the knowledge I have from my own experience I will be improving the life of others with my design solutions.

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Diabetes is a serious life long medical condition, it can be very demanding and stressful on a individuals life as it consists of taking charge of their diabetes 24/7 .Type 1 diabetes ‘usually starts in childhood or adolescence, patients are entirely dependent on injections of insulin for survival’ as it is an autoimmune disease that causes the pancreas to make no insulin , therefore this rises the individuals blood sugar levels. 


(Oxford Dictionary of Nursing, 2014, p.144)

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"Transitional Care" stage of managing diabetes. ‘Transition' involves a type 1 diabetic aged between 16-23, moving from (paediatric) children’s clinic to an adult clinic.This shift means their new found independence, adds pressure to the fact that there are solely responsible for their present and future diabetic care. This can lead to bad management of their diabetes due to them not being able to form a good relationship with their doctor/team, like they would have had in the paediatric clinic.

Paediatric Clinic


Adult Clinic

About: Meet The Team


  • Who? - Type 1 Diabetics aged 16 - 23 years old

  • What? - The shift from the child clinic to an adult clinic means their new found independence, adds pressure to the fact that there are solely responsible for their present and future diabetic care. This can lead to bad management of their diabetes.  

  • Where? - Diabetic clinics, GP surgery’s, schools, home (online)

  • When? - Before entering the transition stage

  • Why? - Early introduction will ease the process greatly, and will ensure that the young diabetics understand fully how to manage their diabetes independently. Especially with going through adolescent and peer pressures. 

  • How? - Working alongside DiabetesWest and young diabetes to create a new way of helping to ease the process of the transition stage with a visually engaging design

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Personal and Project Based


  • Create an effective, beneficial and visually appealing 


  • Design to invite 

  • Understand and express the 'Transitional Stage' in a

         more effective way

  • Encourage and express to young people that the

        diabetes doesnt define them and they can live a normal

        life, just like every teenager

  • Develop my interpersonal skills 

  • Create and develop a more professional portfolio 

  • Help improve the life of others with my design solutions 

  • Grow as a designer 



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