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​Today I presented my project idea in a 20x20 Pecha Kucha format, as requested. I believe the presentation went well, sticking to the 20x20 was difficult though with having to keep to 20seconds for each slide. I wrote down several pointers on small cards to help me with presentation. I feel it went quite well and the feedback received was positive. The advice and feedback i received after my presentation included the following:


  • Good area chosen - relatable 

  • Use of personal experience beneficial and helpful for final effective outcome

  • Importance of the young people highlighted clearly

  • Look into illustrations and telling a story (play to my strengths)

  • Good presentation, overall they was happy â€‹

Feedback: About



When I got to talk over my project concept with my supervisor who is Justin, he gave me a bit advice and pointers these include the following:

  • Look more in-depth into the behaviours and attitudes of average teenagers to get a idea of why they take risks

  • Look at myths, victims' and behaviours associated with diabetes

  • Personally look what diabetes has made you into today 

Feedback: About



Showing Justin my process and experimenting with mixed media, he felt I needed to figure out if I was going to use both digital and mixed media in my final piece. He liked the pop of colour and felt it could be a cool way of showing a transition (a change) throughout my animation. I had a few rough sketches of character designs, which Justin felt was good but he felt I needed to create a character background story and give my character a unique look. This being so that the character is relatable and friendly.

Feedback: About


13TH MARCH 2017

I decided to join Padriacs Class on monday morning, as i wanted to see how he felt about my progress so far seeing as though he is my second supervisor. He gave me a few pointers these including the following:


  • Create a script for character - background information 

  • Create a script for animation

  • Look at typography - create hero image (importance of the right type)

  • Possibly use a strong female character voice to speak over


After speaking to Padriac I felt happier and more content as i felt I knew what I needed to do next.

Feedback: About


6TH APRIL 2017

This week was particularly hard for me with having surgery just over a week ago and needing much needed rest. I was worried as this had held back , so I only had a small bit of progress. I felt it was important to see Justin this week before we take off for our 2 week easter break, even though this was a big struggle for me it was important to gain feedback.​ The feedback I received included the following:


  • Character is relatable - could develop story more so in future development 

  • Voice over? Justin said I needed a voice that was clear but I main the point I wanted it to be a person with diabetes as this is more meaningful and brings the piece together

  • My very own voice for the voice over? as I have my own personal experience 

  • Look into colour theory for the pops of colours - could add to the animation and make it more appealing

  • Animate will be useful 

Feedback: About


22ND APRIL 2017

Communicating back and forth to my client Athinyaa via WhatsApp and a phone call , I was able to gain feedback on my script for my animation.I wanted to make sure that I was meeting their requirements and that it was relevant to what they wanted/asked for.  Athinyaa had mentioned that they "had been thinking of doing these sort of animation videos but never got around to it" she also stated that my "touch on the teen side of things is perfect. Love the line about Control" She also seemed keen on extending the storyline in the future , if this animation was a success. Athinyaa was that interested about it she even asked for my permission to share it to Neil Black a Endocrinology & Diabetes doctor in Londonderry/Derry. The feedback I gathered from Neil included "This could be very powerful" and the use of a voice over which highlight it more stating "original voices would retain the underlying sentiment".

Feedback: About


11TH MAY 2017

Today I seen Justin to gain feedback on how my project was progressing. I brought with me my pen drive with glimpses of my animation so that Justin could see. From this discussion the points I gathered included the following:


  • Text may be too much with animation as it takes away and is distracting  - possibly use key words instead of full sentences. 

  • Voice over is good but more emotion is needed to bring across the message.

Feedback: About
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